Solar energy is used to power the home lighting system, which uses solar cells to convert electricity. The electricity is stored in batteries and used for lighting whenever it is needed.
Solar home lighting systems are self-contained photovoltaic systems that provide remote off-grid households with amenity power for lighting and appliances at a low cost. They are used to meet a household’s energy demand in rural areas that are not connected to the grid, fulfilling basic electric needs. It is a boon to people in rural areas with no access to clean energy.
Solar home lighting systemsprovide power to hundreds of thousands of households worldwide in remote locations where grid electrification is not feasible.Solar home lighting systemstypically operate at a rated voltage of 12 V direct current (DC) and power low-power DC appliances such as lights, radios, and small TVs for three to five hours per day. They also use cables, switches, mounts, structural parts, and power conditioners/inverters, which convert 12/24 V power to 240VAC power for larger appliances. Solar home lighting systems are best used with efficient appliances to keep the array size to a minimum.